
Michael Blueshirt Portrait

Hi, I’m Michael 
Dealmaker, Investor and Advisor

I consult on acquisitions, and advise businesses, also open to partnership opportunities that fit with my experience and skills.

  • Dealmaker, investor and strategic advisor with a wide range of experiences and skills
  • Acquired over 200 online businesses
  • Operated hundreds of different websites and online businesses since 2004 in a wide of range of niches and categories: content affiliate and ad monetized websites, ecommerce, SaaS, social media channels and platforms, forums, apps, agencies
  • Raised millions of $ for acquisitions and managed several funds and portfolios of businesses
  • Retired from active business management in 2022 and now consult PE firms, funds and first time buyers on acquisitions and strategy.
  • Also run a popular industry podcast, invest in real estate, crypto, and stocks, domain names


  • Negotiating, deal making, agreements, mediation, brokering
  • Due diligence, evaluating deals and business opportunities
  • Strategy, big picture view, understanding business trends, cycles, risks, people and roles
  • SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Mailing, Podcasting
  • Capital, investor relations
  • Sales and Marketing

Business Experience

  • Sole Entrepreneur 2004-2008 – experimenting with different ideas, building, buying and selling different websites
  • CEO and founder of Domain Magnate 2008-2022 – PE firm, managing funds and portfolios of websites for clients and investors
  • Partner at DealFlow Brokerage 2020-2021 – A business brokerage firm, with over $50M in closed deals
  • Domain Name Investor 2007-current – Buying, selling and investing in premium domain names